Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain

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Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain Empty Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain

Post by mahnrut October 21st 2024, 3:21 pm

We bought these in the 1960s in the Algarve region of Spain. I would like to pass them on to grandchildren with information about the artist or artists if they are different for the candlesticks. Thanks for any help.Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain Img_3019
Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain Img_3020
Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain Img_3021

Female Number of posts : 26
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Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain Empty Re: Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain

Post by benwilliams October 21st 2024, 4:19 pm

Talavera Pottery

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Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain Empty Re: Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain

Post by mahnrut October 21st 2024, 5:13 pm

Many thanks and now you say it I can see it too! I am new to Spanish pottery. Do any of the numbers mean anything?

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Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain Empty Re: Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain

Post by NaomiM October 21st 2024, 5:58 pm

Looks like there's a potter's monogram - but there are likely to be several potters employed by the pottery so it's of academic interest only. And possibly a date (they still use Roman numerals for dates on pottery in some areas of Europe)

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Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain Empty Re: Help in deciphering artist(s) chamberstick - Talavera Pottery, Spain

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