Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please?

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Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please? Empty Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please?

Post by canuhelp Sun Oct 20, 2024 1:17 pm

My mother-in-law has been using this bowl for many years to stand a plant pot in - it seems to be hand-painted and measures approx. 12cm tall x 26cm diameter.Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please? Img_5413
Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please? Img_5412
Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please? Img_5414

Number of posts : 30
Location : Sussex
Registration date : 2019-11-15

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Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please? Empty Re: Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please?

Post by NaomiM Sun Oct 20, 2024 1:25 pm

It might be Chinese with a 6 character dynasty mark or a Japanese copy, but the glazed base and style of decoration point to it being a 20thC copy. You might find it on the Gotheborg website of Chinese and Japanese marks

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Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please? Empty Re: Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please?

Post by canuhelp Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:59 pm

Thank you so much!

Number of posts : 30
Location : Sussex
Registration date : 2019-11-15

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Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please? Empty Re: Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please?

Post by janetpjohn Tue Oct 22, 2024 1:59 pm

Rotate the mark a quarter clockwise before you start looking.

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Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please? Empty Re: Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please?

Post by studio-pots Tue Oct 22, 2024 3:55 pm

I believe that the mark reads, "Made in the year of the Dragon", which doesn't help.

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Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please? Empty Re: Chinese or Japanese bowl. Can you help please?

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