Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by CharlieC October 18th 2024, 8:40 pm

I found this rather well made pot H: 14cm which is unmarked and looks like an ash glaze, with ‘deco’ incised decorationRichard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Img_6013
Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Img_6014
Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Img_6015
. Stylistically, it looks very like it could have been made by Richard… anyone have any thoughts? Thanks

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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by NaomiM October 18th 2024, 11:12 pm

Certainly a quality piece but I don’t think Batterham used that decoration. Reminds me of Eric Stockl and Phil Rogers

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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by philpot October 19th 2024, 8:12 am

No, it is not Richard Batterham. He never used that type of design, nor did he use that unglazed band at the bottom style. Lovely piece tho. Very professionally made. I suspect it probably had a white label on it that identified the maker. Which then fell off. It was a common practice in the 70's and 80's.

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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by CharlieC October 19th 2024, 9:16 am

OK, thanks for the info, much appreciated. It has a look of the ‘Leach school’ of potters (if I could put it like that?) wondering who’s thrown it?? The ‘cloud’ decoration does kinda ring some bells, but I can’t place it. Cheers all!

Number of posts : 498
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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by CharlieC October 19th 2024, 9:22 am

Also, the unglazed band at the bottom, is quite contrived. There’s a scribed line to contain the glaze above. I’d sooner see some drips!

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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by philpot October 19th 2024, 9:45 am

Yes it is what is known as 'Leach style'. Bernard Leach was incredibly influential in the huge expansion of studio pottery in the 60's and 70's. It was seen as a great lifestyle and employment choice as part of the New Age t swinging 60's et al of the 60's and 70's. Hence there were a lot of good pooters from that era, But the market was not big enough for all of them. So a lot just disappeared, This is probably made by one of those.

Number of posts : 6733
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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by CharlieC October 19th 2024, 4:00 pm

Thanks Phil, good info… interesting. Cheers!

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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by denbydump October 20th 2024, 2:48 pm

An almost identical base on a St Ives piece spotted in a local centre.

Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Img_2074

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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by CharlieC October 20th 2024, 3:29 pm

Interesting… thanks dd

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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by philpot October 20th 2024, 4:27 pm

But you would never get the sort of incised decoration on St Ives standard ware. As you have on the original piece shown.

Number of posts : 6733
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Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot?? Empty Re: Richard Batterham Incised Ash Glazed Pot??

Post by CharlieC October 20th 2024, 4:32 pm

I agree. Does have the look and feel of a Leach pottery piece, but with no stamp is unusual. Has a good feel in the hand and spontaneous gestured marks are quite well executed. Definitely a competent potter involved.

Number of posts : 498
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Registration date : 2016-05-04

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