ID Request: Brown "Fat Lava" Vase w/Red Dripping Glaze, White Interior & MM

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ID Request: Brown "Fat Lava" Vase w/Red Dripping Glaze, White Interior & MM Empty ID Request: Brown "Fat Lava" Vase w/Red Dripping Glaze, White Interior & MM

Post by Shasty October 16th 2024, 4:21 pm

Cheers all, pottery noob here. I picked this up from a thrift store (west coast North America) out of a curious fascination with its style.

The medium-thick speckled red glaze is smooth, accented with white-gray edging, and catches the light in a lovely contrast against the horizontally-striated (turning marks?) brown/gray base material. The interior is glazed entirely with the same white-gray of the edging. The maker's mark(?), perhaps a "B", appears on the bottom; it is black, smooth and flat, and seems to be under the same coat of clear glaze that covers the base material.

Stands about 18cm high, with a widest diameter of about 12cm. Weighs 655g.

ID Request: Brown "Fat Lava" Vase w/Red Dripping Glaze, White Interior & MM Pxl_2010
ID Request: Brown "Fat Lava" Vase w/Red Dripping Glaze, White Interior & MM Pxl_2011
ID Request: Brown "Fat Lava" Vase w/Red Dripping Glaze, White Interior & MM Pxl_2012

Much obliged for anything you can tell me about it!

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Location : BC, Canada
Registration date : 2024-10-16

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ID Request: Brown "Fat Lava" Vase w/Red Dripping Glaze, White Interior & MM Empty Re: ID Request: Brown "Fat Lava" Vase w/Red Dripping Glaze, White Interior & MM

Post by NaomiM October 16th 2024, 4:30 pm

Unfortunately most of us are based in the UK, but hopefully someone recognises the mark

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