Help Identifying Antique Beer Tankard with Bird Design

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Help Identifying Antique Beer Tankard with Bird Design Empty Help Identifying Antique Beer Tankard with Bird Design

Post by Thomas1 October 13th 2024, 10:04 am

I recently acquired an old beer tankard and was hoping someone could help me identify it.

Help Identifying Antique Beer Tankard with Bird Design 20241015
Help Identifying Antique Beer Tankard with Bird Design 20241013
Help Identifying Antique Beer Tankard with Bird Design 20241014

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Registration date : 2023-11-17

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Help Identifying Antique Beer Tankard with Bird Design Empty Re: Help Identifying Antique Beer Tankard with Bird Design

Post by NaomiM October 13th 2024, 12:11 pm

The pewter stamp looks 18thC Netherlands, so the tankard could be Delft ware

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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