Help in identifying these marks please. JPC and SP mark

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Help in identifying these marks please. JPC and SP mark Empty Help in identifying these marks please. JPC and SP mark

Post by Mark October 9th 2024, 10:54 am

Can anyone help to identify this mark? Is the SP Stoneshill Pottery and does anyone recognise the first stamp? Help would be appreciated. Thanks Mark.Help in identifying these marks please. JPC and SP mark Img_1710
Help in identifying these marks please. JPC and SP mark Img_1712
Help in identifying these marks please. JPC and SP mark Img_1711

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Location : Warwickshire
Registration date : 2024-10-09

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Help in identifying these marks please. JPC and SP mark Empty Re: Help in identifying these marks please. JPC and SP mark

Post by NaomiM October 9th 2024, 1:17 pm

Lovely plate. The marks looks like JPC or JFC and SP. Unfortunately it's not a pair of marks I've come across before, and I'm not finding them in the Marks book. It might be French or Irish or even Australian or South African

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