Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte

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Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte  Empty Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte

Post by Thomas1 October 8th 2024, 5:16 pm

Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte  20241010
Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte  20241012
Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte  20241011

Number of posts : 9
Location : Lithuania
Registration date : 2023-11-17

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Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte  Empty Re: Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte

Post by NaomiM October 8th 2024, 6:10 pm

It looks like 20thC Chinese famille verte pottery, possibly Canton ware. Difficult to date because they continued using the same marks for later pieces, but maybe pre-1950s. You might find the mark on the Gotheborg website of Chinese and Japanese marks.

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Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte  Empty Re: Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte

Post by Thomas1 October 8th 2024, 6:51 pm

Thank You for the information :)

Number of posts : 9
Location : Lithuania
Registration date : 2023-11-17

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Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte  Empty Re: Hello, I need help to identify this mark - Chinese dish, Famille Verte

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