Pink Pottery Bud Vase Signed Phyllis Clarke?

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Pink Pottery Bud Vase Signed Phyllis Clarke?  Empty Pink Pottery Bud Vase Signed Phyllis Clarke?

Post by potterymad62 October 7th 2024, 3:58 pm

Possible ID please: Pink pottery bud vase signed Phyllis and another mark I can't decipher. Could be from down in the Mediterranean region?
Pink Pottery Bud Vase Signed Phyllis Clarke?  Pxl_2673
Pink Pottery Bud Vase Signed Phyllis Clarke?  Pxl_2674

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Pink Pottery Bud Vase Signed Phyllis Clarke?  Empty Re: Pink Pottery Bud Vase Signed Phyllis Clarke?

Post by NaomiM October 7th 2024, 4:22 pm

I'm reading Phyllis Clarke. The number could be a rolling total of the pots she's made. The glaze is typical of hobby potters, and the pot looks moulded rather than thrown

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32474
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Registration date : 2012-05-15

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