DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach)

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DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach) Empty DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach)

Post by benwilliams October 5th 2024, 12:55 pm

DL DAVID LEACH teapot, stoneware. slightly different mark
Large size. Light brown glaze with some brushwork decor.
Mark is most similar to Lowerdown personal mark as in book but seems to have a gap between the D and L. But no dots as in the Aylesford mark. Looks earlyish to me, maybe earlyish Lowerdown period. Is it a known David Leach mark? Or am I just getting confused with the first Lowerdown one in book?
DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach) Img_6315
DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach) Img_6313
DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach) Img_6314

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach) Empty Re: DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach)

Post by NaomiM October 5th 2024, 4:21 pm

it’s by Dolly Liebermann from South Africa

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach) Empty Re: DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach)

Post by benwilliams October 5th 2024, 6:38 pm

Thank you Naomi.
Bit disappointing but it’s good to know and learn the right marks properly. Everso similar!

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach) Empty Re: DL mark on teapot - Dolly Liebermann, South Africa (not David Leach)

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