Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark

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Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark Empty Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark

Post by potterymad62 October 5th 2024, 11:36 am

Possible ID thanks! Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine with incised AW mark.

Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark Pxl_2667
Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark Pxl_2668
Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark Pxl_2669
Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark Pxl_2670
Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark Pxl_2671
Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark Pxl_2672

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark Empty Re: Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark

Post by philpot October 5th 2024, 11:52 am

The C is a copywright mark. Meerkat toys and gift thingies became very popular some years ago. With their use in the TV ads for Compare The Market. The C suggests that it comes from that era, and is mass made.

Number of posts : 6733
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Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark Empty Re: Porcelain Pottery Meerkat Figurine AW Mark

Post by potterymad62 October 5th 2024, 12:01 pm

philpot wrote:The C is a copywright mark. Meerkat toys and gift thingies became very popular some years ago. With their use in the TV ads for Compare The Market. The C suggests that it comes from that era, and is mass made.
It's made of porcelain and well made. Nice to be able to ID the AW mark, cheers.

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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