Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?

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Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?  Empty Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?

Post by benwilliams October 3rd 2024, 9:37 pm

Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?  
Bought from a dealer with lots of good vintage pottery. Have they just forgotten to print a mark on it?
I know there are modern Magpie ones which also have marks too.
Size is 15.3 cm long x 11.5 cm, 3.0 cm tall
Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?  Img_6311
Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?  Img_6310
Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?  Img_6312

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?  Empty Re: Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?

Post by denbydump October 4th 2024, 12:36 am

Yes it's all correct. It's a bird ash-tray from 1966. (Spoon-rests face right)
They weren't marked with a mould number.

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Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?  Empty Re: Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?

Post by benwilliams October 4th 2024, 5:15 am

Thanks Denby. That’s great

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?  Empty Re: Hornsea Bird Spoon Rest with no mark. Is it an old one?

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