William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield)

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William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Empty William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield)

Post by NaomiM April 14th 2014, 12:07 am

We've had this mark before - a crossed out O - but for some reason I can't find it. Any ideas?

William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Dscn9927

William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Dscn9928

Last edited by denbydump on October 18th 2024, 2:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : amend title)

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Empty Re: William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield)

Post by studio-pots April 14th 2014, 9:05 am

William Gordon, The Walton Pottery Co. Chesterfield from 1946.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Empty William Gordon - Interesting Stoneware Ram ID

Post by goyjus May 18th 2014, 1:51 pm

Any ideas on this?

Nicely modeled, stylised stoneware ram.

Marked to base with what looks like an 'O' with a vertical line struck through...

William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Photo_10

William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Photo_11

Male Number of posts : 174
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Registration date : 2011-06-24

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William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Empty William Gordon (Walton Pottery Co.)

Post by EverydayClothes September 23rd 2024, 10:20 am

Hello All,

I am doing some research on William Gordon of Walton Pottery Co. who operated out of Brampton/Chesterfield in the 40's and 50's.

I think I have gathered most of the literature on him, but would love to hear from anyone that might have some expertise on his work, or anyone who may also have an interest in him.

Also, if anyone happens to know of any of his pieces for sale on Etsy. etc. I would be thankful for a PM.

His maker's mark was the Greek 'Phi' symbol. Pictured below:

William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Img_5313
William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Img_5314
William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Img_5315

and some photos from a Hugh Wakefield review in 1995:

William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Willia13
William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Willia14
William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Willia15

Number of posts : 1
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2024-09-16

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William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield) Empty Re: William Gordon, Walton Pottery Co. (Chesterfield)

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