Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp

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Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp Empty Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp

Post by RooC September 10th 2024, 5:39 pm

Does anyone recognise this maker's stamp please? It's on the bottom of a pottery soup tureen.Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp Img_2037
Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp Img_2038

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Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp Empty Re: Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp

Post by NaomiM September 10th 2024, 6:48 pm

Might be stamped Glamorgan. The only Pottery with a similar ink stamp I can find is Jonathan Clarke Griffiths' Efail Isaf Pottery, based in Mid Glamorgan, Wales

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Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp Empty Re: Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp

Post by philpot September 10th 2024, 8:16 pm

The word on the left is probably ENGLAND. Very few studio potters would do that. I think it is The Friars Pottery  Aylesford. They used a stamp. They also produced a lot of very good looking studio potteryhttps://www.20thcenturyforum.com/t8430-the-friars-pottery-aylesford?highlight=aylesford.

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Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp Empty Re: Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp

Post by RooC September 10th 2024, 9:43 pm

Thank you both for your replies.

Number of posts : 9
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Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp Empty Re: Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp

Post by RooC September 11th 2024, 9:00 pm

NaomiM wrote:Might be stamped Glamorgan. The only Pottery with a similar ink stamp I can find is Jonathan Clarke Griffiths' Efail Isaf Pottery, based in Mid Glamorgan, Wales
Thank you for the suggestion. I've messaged Jonathan Griffiths and he's confirmed that it's not one of his, unfortunately.

Number of posts : 9
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Registration date : 2024-06-29

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Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp Empty Re: Pottery Soup Tureen - help to identify maker's stamp

Post by RooC September 11th 2024, 9:02 pm

philpot wrote:The word on the left is probably ENGLAND. Very few studio potters would do that. I think it is The Friars Pottery  Aylesford. They used a stamp. They also produced a lot of very good looking studio potteryhttps://www.20thcenturyforum.com/t8430-the-friars-pottery-aylesford?highlight=aylesford.
Thank you for the suggestion. Might they have used an ink stamp?

Number of posts : 9
Location : UK
Registration date : 2024-06-29

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