Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON

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Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON Empty Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON

Post by bbruce September 10th 2024, 4:07 am

I need Help identifying this hand thrown salt glaze pot vase ? signed SIMPSON.  It appears to be older to me (like 19th century) with the exception of the signature on the bottom.  Also I believe it may have had a metal ring around the rim and also at the base which are missing.  It's 8.5" tall and 9" wide at the belt and weighs 7 lbs.  It is signed SIMPSON on the bottom.  Any assistance as to it's age, maker, and intended use would be appreciated.  I can post additional images if needed. Thanks.
Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON Simp110
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Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON Empty Re: Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON

Post by philpot September 10th 2024, 7:09 am

The decoration looks slightly amateurish. It would be interesting to see the inside of it. As generally if it was used as a flower vase it would have water ring marks inside.

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Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON Empty Re: Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON

Post by NaomiM September 10th 2024, 11:40 am

Looks like someone influenced by Chinese blue & white Ming pottery

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON Empty Re: Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON

Post by bbruce September 10th 2024, 5:07 pm

Hi Philpot and NaomiH, Thanks for the replies.  I've added a couple images of the inside, the rim , and the base.  Upon closer examination the outer edge of the base was just unglazed, it doesn't appear there was ever a ring or edge protector there.  I still believe the top edge either had or was meant to have a some sort of protective ring.  So maybe a stoneware replica of Ming porcelain?  I was hoping someone might recognize the signature.  When I google the image and simpson and or pottery I end up with a bunch of links to Newcomb College - Anne Frances Simpson, no help at all.Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON Simp410
Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON Simp510
Help Identifying hand thrown salt glaze pot vase? signed SIMPSON Simp710

Number of posts : 9
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