Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN”

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Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN” Empty Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN”

Post by Sbro September 6th 2024, 4:51 pm

Initial shots of small stoneware vase.

Incised signature on base.

3.5” in height (approx).

Long shot but any insights on maker gratefully received as always!

Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN” 774bb810
Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN” B21fee10

Number of posts : 443
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-07-10

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Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN” Empty Re: Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN”

Post by denbydump September 6th 2024, 5:00 pm

Marked in that way, it's more than likely to be an amateur piece.

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Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN” Empty Re: Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN”

Post by philpot September 6th 2024, 5:47 pm

It is a nice piece. But professionals nearly always mark there work with a stamp or more rarely, a painted signature. The style looks very late 60's/70's. Way back then pottery was a Very fashionable occupation. Part of the back to the Earth lifestyle, swinging 60's blah! So a lot of competent potters did some training. But the market was just no big enough for them. So the majority stopped. I think this is one of those people.
We get items like this quite frequently. But unfortunately, they are a dead end.

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Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN” Empty Re: Small stoneware post vase. Incised signature on base - “HELEN”

Post by Sbro September 6th 2024, 9:51 pm

Dear Philpot and Denby

Thanks as always for your kind replies. Greatly appreciated.

I must admit that I too think that an ID of the maker is highly unlikely but still wanted to post the piece because it is a well conceived and executed. As such one sometimes hopes beyond hope that the mark of such a piece may mean something to someone!

Thanks again

Number of posts : 443
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-07-10

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