Identify green plate

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Identify green plate Empty Identify green plate

Post by yawyabwys September 2nd 2024, 3:42 pm

Would appreciate any assistance in identifying this green plate, which has no stamps. I picked it up with other green plates marked wedgwood

Identify green plate Img_5510
Identify green plate Img_5511

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Registration date : 2024-01-29

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Identify green plate Empty Re: Identify green plate

Post by denbydump September 2nd 2024, 4:21 pm

It could also be Wedgwood. The post-war "Repro" ones were marked with a circular black
ink stamp (could it be very feint in the centre? or just my imagination!).
They also tended to have a slightly bluish tinge compared with the older green plates.
However they were also made abroad, mainly in Germany.

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