Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark

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Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark Empty Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark

Post by reykyo August 18th 2024, 11:29 am

Hello everyone,I recently acquired a ceramic vase in France and am trying to identify its maker.

The vase is approximately 45 cm tall and 30 cm wide, and it features a distinctive mark on the bottom.
The mark consists of the letters "MW" or MA or MAC? superimposed in a stylized design, which resembles a tulip or flower.

I've attached several photos of the vase, including a close-up of the mark.
The vase has a contemporary, abstract design with a combination of matte and glossy black finishes.I've done some research but haven't been able to pinpoint the exact artist or manufacturer.

I would greatly appreciate any insights or information that anyone might have about this piece. If anyone recognizes the mark or can provide any details about the artist, it would be extremely helpful.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Best regards,


Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark Pxl_2014
Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark Pxl_2013
Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark Pxl_2015

Last edited by reykyo on August 18th 2024, 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 2
Location : France
Registration date : 2024-08-08

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Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark Empty Re: Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark

Post by philpot August 18th 2024, 11:53 am

You could also read the mark as AM or AMC.

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Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark Empty Re: Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark

Post by reykyo August 18th 2024, 12:27 pm

You're right 👍 I've fixed the title ! Thanks !

Number of posts : 2
Location : France
Registration date : 2024-08-08

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Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark Empty Re: Help Needed to Identify Ceramic Vase with MW or MA or MAC ? Mark

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