Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark?

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Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark? Empty Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark?

Post by yawyabwys July 25th 2024, 12:15 pm

Can anyone help with the id of the stamp on the neck of this jug
Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark? Img_5312
Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark? Img_5313

Number of posts : 6
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2024-01-29

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Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark? Empty Re: Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark?

Post by NaomiM July 25th 2024, 1:07 pm

It helps to have a photo of the base even if there's no mark on it. But I'm afraid I don't recognise this stamp. I could ask the Irish group on FB if you'd like

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Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark? Empty Re: Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark?

Post by yawyabwys July 25th 2024, 1:54 pm

yes thanks, be grateful for that

Number of posts : 6
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2024-01-29

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Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark? Empty Re: Irish jug, unknown pottery H or HH mark?

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