blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong?

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blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Empty blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong?

Post by Johnks July 12th 2024, 7:27 pm

Hi, I recently acquired a bowl with what I think is a Qianlong back stamp and I am unsure how I would go about authenticating it. It is definitely hand painted and i think the dark blue lines and the back stamp are in enamel as they are raised to the touch. Any advice and further information about the piece would be appreciated. Thank you!blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Pxl_2043blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Pxl_2045blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Pxl_2046blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Pxl_2047blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Pxl_2048blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Pxl_2049

Number of posts : 4
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Registration date : 2024-06-22

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blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Empty Re: blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong?

Post by NaomiM July 12th 2024, 10:42 pm

It’s a late 20thC copy in my opinion. Hand coloured transfer print. You may find the mark on the website but it’s likely to be a copy of the original Dynasty mark

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blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Empty Re: blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong?

Post by Johnks July 12th 2024, 10:52 pm

Thank you, I think you're probably right!

Number of posts : 4
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2024-06-22

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blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong? Empty Re: blue and white phoenix bowl, Qianlong?

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