Finely potted small vase painted signature - J S Stuart, Exeter

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Finely potted small vase painted signature -  J S Stuart, Exeter  Empty Finely potted small vase painted signature - J S Stuart, Exeter

Post by Tictac July 9th 2024, 11:53 am

Two part question

Anyone know what this type of glaze is called and is it stoneware.
Lightweight stand just under 10cm tall.

Id help

Bold painted marks to the base. No stamp visible.

Finely potted small vase painted signature -  J S Stuart, Exeter  Pxl_2071
Finely potted small vase painted signature -  J S Stuart, Exeter  Pxl_2072
Finely potted small vase painted signature -  J S Stuart, Exeter  Pxl_2073

Number of posts : 36
Location : cornwall
Registration date : 2023-09-15

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Finely potted small vase painted signature -  J S Stuart, Exeter  Empty Re: Finely potted small vase painted signature - J S Stuart, Exeter

Post by denbydump July 9th 2024, 12:13 pm


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Finely potted small vase painted signature -  J S Stuart, Exeter  Empty Re: Finely potted small vase painted signature - J S Stuart, Exeter

Post by Tictac July 9th 2024, 12:25 pm

Thanks Denny as always. Now you said it I have had a piece of his before. Looked but found little to no info on them other than a small shop in Exeter that's not there now where the pieces were sold from the last time I looked. Many thanks.

Number of posts : 36
Location : cornwall
Registration date : 2023-09-15

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Finely potted small vase painted signature -  J S Stuart, Exeter  Empty Re: Finely potted small vase painted signature - J S Stuart, Exeter

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