Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?

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Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?  Empty Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?

Post by NaomiM July 4th 2024, 7:16 pm

Lovely lustre bowl, but no marks. Reminds me of Margery Clinton's work but it would be odd for her not to mark it if it was one of hers.

Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?  Lustre12

Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?  Lustre11 Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?  Lustre10 Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?  Lustre13

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Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?  Empty Re: Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?

Post by philpot July 5th 2024, 10:33 am

Definitely Margery Clinton. I have a number of he pieces and have seen a lot. That blue glaze is very typical of her work. Its very unusual to have so many different lustre glazes on her work though. Which suggests it might well have been a very successful test piece. Hence no signature. Lovely piece! I am jealous! Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?  1f604

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Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?  Empty Re: Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?

Post by NaomiM July 5th 2024, 11:27 am

Cheers Most Excellent It’s beautiful, and the largest piece by her I’ve come across. Very strange not to be signed

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32690
Location : Hampshire
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Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?  Empty Re: Unmarked lustre bowl, Margery Clinton maybe?

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