Impressed RD mark together with a building?- Barbican Craft Workshops
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Neil62- Number of posts : 403
Age : 64
Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Registration date : 2022-04-04
Re: Impressed RD mark together with a building?- Barbican Craft Workshops
I wonder if it's an early mark for Rob Davies, who potted at Pantasaph Pottery in the 70s before moving to France and Germany in the 80s (it's not the monogram he was using at Pantasaph, so it's just speculation)
The letters appear to be above the Barbican Craft Workshops' Plymouth Gate mark. Several potters made slipware there in the 70s at the same time as John Pollex. I don't know when the Workshops opened; maybe the 60s?
The letters appear to be above the Barbican Craft Workshops' Plymouth Gate mark. Several potters made slipware there in the 70s at the same time as John Pollex. I don't know when the Workshops opened; maybe the 60s?
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Impressed RD mark together with a building?- Barbican Craft Workshops
Thanks Naomi I’ve had some of the pantasaph pottery before I’ll do some research but much obliged
Neil62- Number of posts : 403
Age : 64
Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Registration date : 2022-04-04
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