Ashworth Ironstone

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Ashworth Ironstone Empty Ashworth Ironstone

Post by MM June 20th 2024, 8:00 pm

I am hoping someone knows the answer to a question. I have some old Ashworth that belonged to my Gran that I use at Christmas, the question is “why is the pattern only part painted?” They are early plates, “could they have been rejects?” Still in nice condition after all this timeAshworth Ironstone Img_3463
Ashworth Ironstone Img_3464
Ashworth Ironstone Img_3465
Ashworth Ironstone Img_3466

I know what they are just wondering why they are not fully painted.
I do have a number of Ashworth and Mason’s but my favourite is the broken and repaired one, they are all used but it is used all the time.
Ashworth Ironstone Img_3468
Ashworth Ironstone Img_3467
Ashworth Ironstone Img_3469

Thank You

Last edited by MM on June 20th 2024, 11:04 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Adding photos)

Female Number of posts : 21
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2024-06-19

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Ashworth Ironstone Empty Re: Ashworth Ironstone

Post by NaomiM June 20th 2024, 11:15 pm

They look like seconds or maybe unfinished pieces sold off when the company closed

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
Location : Hampshire
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Ashworth Ironstone Empty Re: Ashworth Ironstone

Post by MM June 20th 2024, 11:23 pm

Thank you, I thought it would be something like that, my Gran said she got them from her mother I think when she got married around 1919 to start her off in married life. I love using them at Christmas the do have early date stamps so have lasted well

Female Number of posts : 21
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2024-06-19

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