Chinese or English small vase?

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Chinese or English small vase? Empty Chinese or English small vase?

Post by MM June 19th 2024, 4:14 pm

Another one of my items I hope someone can help with.
This I have had for around 40 years but don’t know if it is Chinese as there are no marks. Any help would be appreciated, it weighs 7 oz and it appears to be developing pitting
Thank youChinese or English small vase? Img_3445
Chinese or English small vase? Img_3444
Chinese or English small vase? Img_3443
Chinese or English small vase? Img_3447
Chinese or English small vase? Img_3448
Chinese or English small vase? Img_3446
Chinese or English small vase? Img_3449
Chinese or English small vase? Img_3450
Chinese or English small vase? Img_3451

Female Number of posts : 21
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Registration date : 2024-06-19

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Chinese or English small vase? Empty Re: Chinese or English small vase?

Post by janetpjohn June 20th 2024, 3:35 am

You didn't try Google lens?

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Chinese or English small vase? Empty Re: Chinese or English small vase?

Post by denbydump June 20th 2024, 11:09 am

It's a "double gourd vase" shape. The base looks more oriental than English.

Compare my similar Frederck Rhead vase from the 1920s.

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Chinese or English small vase? Empty Re: Chinese or English small vase?

Post by MM June 20th 2024, 11:46 am

It does look like your vase (denbydump) is it copying your vase?
I don’t know what you mean (janetpjohn) I don’t have a google lens or I don’t know what it is, I will google it 😅😅

Female Number of posts : 21
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Chinese or English small vase? Empty Re: Chinese or English small vase?

Post by NaomiM June 20th 2024, 1:19 pm

I'm pretty sure it's Asian, probably Chinese. Probably 20thC because of the glazed base and frit round the footrim. If it was earlier I'd expect the base to be unglazed. There wouldn't be frit round the footrim if it was Western because they'd have used saggers and spurs

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Chinese or English small vase? Empty Re: Chinese or English small vase?

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