Help request for any information on this red clay pot

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Help request for any information on this red clay pot Empty Help request for any information on this red clay pot

Post by TWB June 17th 2024, 7:16 pm

Good Evening,

I picked up this lovely a few weeks ago (at the tip) Yes I often source there whilst on a mission.

Its a nice solid, well made and quite heavy piece in red clay. The colour and the design would indicate 1960's (blacky-blue and cream) it almost looks like spongeware but Im not convinced it is, its smooth to the touch and has thin fragments of a gold coloured shell. I cant make out the signature its too weak despite various lights and photography settings.

22cm high and 14cm wide

Any help would be great.

Thank you

Emma Help request for any information on this red clay pot Screen12
Help request for any information on this red clay pot 20240610
Help request for any information on this red clay pot 20240611

Number of posts : 82
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2023-02-10

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