Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug

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Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug Empty Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug

Post by potterymad62 June 6th 2024, 2:18 pm

Just to confirm, I'm quite confident this is a Winchcombe piece but potted by whom, no other marks, Ray Finch maybe? Some nibbles around top rim but I bought it anyway.

Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug Pxl_2586
Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug Pxl_2587
Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug Pxl_2588
Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug Pxl_2589
Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug Pxl_2590
Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug Pxl_2591

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug Empty Re: Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug

Post by philpot June 6th 2024, 6:09 pm

Yes its definitely Winchcombe. But there is no way of telling who actually made it for definite. It was a cooperative effort. It possibly might be by Sid Tustin.

Number of posts : 6733
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Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug Empty Re: Winchcombe Pottery Tankard/Mug

Post by potterymad62 June 6th 2024, 6:53 pm

philpot wrote:Yes its definitely Winchcombe. But there is no way of telling who actually  made it for definite. It was a cooperative effort. It possibly  might be by Sid Tustin.
I had Patrick Groom in mind, but like you said it was a cooperative effort.

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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