Murano clown?

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Murano clown? Empty Murano clown?

Post by GeorgeG May 25th 2024, 3:15 am

Hello Clown Experts.

I just picked up this clown that was in a lot with some other pieces, so no big money spent.  I see very similar ones for sale online for a lot of money, advertised as "Murano" and "1950's".   Mine is 10" tall.  But here's the funny thing.  On the bottom of one foot is an old paper sticker from GEMCO, with a price of $5.97.   GEMCO started operation in 1959, so that could be, but I did an AI search which said they were a chain, a year later purchased by Lucky, and did not handle high end Italian glass.  So I wonder if it really is a good Murano piece, an OK Murano piece, or an imitation and maybe the others I see online are also imitations.  Any thoughts?
Thank you.
Murano clown? 20240512
Murano clown? 20240513

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Location : Portland, Oregon
Registration date : 2013-08-29

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Murano clown? Empty Re: Murano clown?

Post by philpot May 26th 2024, 4:43 pm

Sorry to disillusion you. But these Murano were produced in vast quantities for export all over the world. From the late 1950's onwards for several decades. There are 1500 Murano clowns on an Ebay worldwide search. You can see their value there.

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