Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery?

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Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? Empty Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery?

Post by LEGSY May 3rd 2024, 10:13 am

Sorry for the blue title above!
I recently purchased this collection of pottery from a local seller near my home town of Wrexham we are
fairly close to Buckley and would think as the seller said that they are from their but as you know most
people unless they are experts are not always correct so i thought i would add the collection here as i think
there is some collectors of Buckley on here. Can you take a look and see if the collection is all Buckley or
if not which are not if possible thank you for looking.Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? P1010455
Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? P1010453
Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? P1010454

Male Number of posts : 345
Age : 48
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2017-02-19

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Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? Empty Re: Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery?

Post by LEGSY May 3rd 2024, 10:14 am

few extra pictures from different angles.
Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? P1010458
Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? P1010457
Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? P1010456

Male Number of posts : 345
Age : 48
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2017-02-19

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Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? Empty Re: Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery?

Post by philpot May 3rd 2024, 10:50 am

What date range are you looking at here? 20th century? From first glance a number of those pieces look quite crude in their decoration.

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Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? Empty Re: Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery?

Post by LEGSY May 3rd 2024, 11:19 am

Hi There thanks for replying the pottery did operate in the 19th century as well as 20th century
and was a cottage industry due to having a good seam of clay in the area, local people would make
different wares for locals and travellers in the area to purchase so they were Naive in a way yes and
maybe a bit like marmite :) too.

Male Number of posts : 345
Age : 48
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2017-02-19

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Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? Empty Re: Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery?

Post by denbydump May 3rd 2024, 4:15 pm

One Cartouche I think says Cheshire, so pretty close by.

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Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery? Empty Re: Identify My New collection Of Pottery Please? Buckley Pottery?

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