Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle

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Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Empty Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle

Post by Bernado Duckworthy April 30th 2024, 1:23 pm

Hallo  Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle 270b

Modern (IGA ware style..?) vessel.

Sorry, that's the best image of the mark I can take. Looks like a p inste a curved triangle shape.
Could not find the mark on bispm.

Thanks for looking.

Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Img_2289
Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Img_2288
Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Img_2293

Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Img_2290
Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Img_2292
Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Img_2291
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 204
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Empty Re: Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle

Post by Bernado Duckworthy May 7th 2024, 5:02 pm

The Camberwell School of pottery?

Colin Pearson?

Has anyone got any thoughts on this before I stick a plastic, soiled filled pot inside it?
Thank you, :)
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 204
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Empty Re: Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle

Post by philpot May 7th 2024, 5:06 pm

Definitely not Colin Pearson. Not from the Camberwell school either. They were all pretty Avant-gard. The only thing making it stand out are those unusual handles. Nice piece, but I do not think you are going to get an ID

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Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Empty Re: Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle

Post by Bernado Duckworthy May 7th 2024, 9:43 pm

Thanks for the reply Philpot, I appreciate it.
It then shall fulfil its intended function, as a container of plants.
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 204
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle Empty Re: Stoneware Bowl P mark in triangle

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