Small studio pottery with a Picasso look and a foreign signature?

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Small studio pottery with a Picasso look and a foreign signature? Empty Small studio pottery with a Picasso look and a foreign signature?

Post by Musicka February 5th 2024, 7:13 pm

Measures about 3 inches tall. I bought this about 10 years ago and it was not new then. Thanks!

Small studio pottery with a Picasso look and a foreign signature? Image_13
Small studio pottery with a Picasso look and a foreign signature? Image_14
Small studio pottery with a Picasso look and a foreign signature? Image_15

Female Number of posts : 2
Location : Tuscumbia, AL
Registration date : 2024-02-02

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Small studio pottery with a Picasso look and a foreign signature? Empty Re: Small studio pottery with a Picasso look and a foreign signature?

Post by Bernado Duckworthy February 6th 2024, 2:01 pm

It Looks like a piece of European abstract art,
But the signature looks Arabic and that is a camel on the side.
So maybe middle Eastern or North African.
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 202
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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