Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ?

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Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ? Empty Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ?

Post by Lorry January 28th 2024, 11:23 am

Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ? Img_1413
Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ? Img_1414
Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ? Img_1412

Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ? Img_1416
Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ? Img_1415

I bought these birdies at auction yesterday, and was hoping someone might recognise the signature or style , this is a large piece 35cm. Thank you in advance 😀

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Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ? Empty Re: Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ?

Post by NaomiM January 28th 2024, 1:14 pm

I’m reading ‘Cl Cornwall 1959..’ ??

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Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ? Empty Re: Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ?

Post by NaomiM January 28th 2024, 4:46 pm

Might be a piece by Cicely Lushington. Unknown where she was based but she made a lot of ceramic birds in the 50s. However, it's not her usual monogram

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32472
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ? Empty Re: Large glazed Birds in a nest - any ideas anybody ?

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