From portugal but by who?

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From portugal but by who? Empty From portugal but by who?

Post by fuzzyedges January 25th 2024, 3:28 pm

From portugal but by who? Img_0210
From portugal but by who? Img_0211

I have drawn a blank once again with this vase
It has a lovely glaze
Always glad of your collective help

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From portugal but by who? Empty Re: From portugal but by who?

Post by NaomiM January 25th 2024, 3:41 pm

There's a lot of it around. It's copying museum pieces, so I assume they were sold in museum shops and tourist shops. Likely to be several potters in a particular region rather than one manufacturer

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From portugal but by who? Empty Re: From portugal but by who?

Post by fuzzyedges January 25th 2024, 3:49 pm

The nearest I got was ALCOBAƇA where there, as you say, several artisans work together
Its just if thats hand painted as it says its very good
Well done EA who ever you are
thanks NaomM

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From portugal but by who? Empty Re: From portugal but by who?

Post by NaomiM January 25th 2024, 3:58 pm

The date refers to the date of the original pot they've copied
SEI = Secolo
I XVII = 17thC
EA or ER = possibly AD or era or century

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32206
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From portugal but by who? Empty Re: From portugal but by who?

Post by fuzzyedges January 25th 2024, 4:10 pm

Another puzzel for me unravelled
I had worked out XV11(no idea how that fitted in )
SE1 i had no idea
And EA I was miles away
I will enjoy it for a short while now I know a little more


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From portugal but by who? Empty Re: From portugal but by who?

Post by janetpjohn January 25th 2024, 6:50 pm

Some of the Berardos pottery is also marked Coimbra, but I couldn't find any company information.

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From portugal but by who? Empty Re: From portugal but by who?

Post by fuzzyedges January 25th 2024, 11:37 pm

Thanks for taking the time to reply Every scrap of information helps the search

Male Number of posts : 131
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From portugal but by who? Empty Re: From portugal but by who?

Post by fuzzyedges January 26th 2024, 9:08 pm

There is a large pottery in Coimbra, Ceramics de Coimbra and when searching that I found nearly all the pieces (etsy pic click etc) all had SEC XV11 underneath
Which could well mean the design was sourced from then, as NaomiM said but
always on the last line was a diffrent name/ inital
Could this be the decorator?

Male Number of posts : 131
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From portugal but by who? Empty Re: From portugal but by who?

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