Please help to identify my vase with Kingfishers, numbered B122

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Please help to identify my vase with Kingfishers, numbered B122 Empty Please help to identify my vase with Kingfishers, numbered B122

Post by tommy January 21st 2024, 6:24 pm

Please help identify this art pottery maker, one of my favourite pots that has so far eluded identification. Likely to be early 20th century. It is 16 inches tall, moulded with mould join mark still visible, white clay with only the painted number on the base B221. But its beauty is in the quality of the very fine under-glaze decoration definitely by someone of note. Purchased in Derbyshire many years ago. Bretby, Leeds, Dean have all been suggested but nothing convincing to compare it with. Thank you for any suggestions.

Please help to identify my vase with Kingfishers, numbered B122 Img_1713
Please help to identify my vase with Kingfishers, numbered B122 Img_1714
Please help to identify my vase with Kingfishers, numbered B122 Img_1715

Number of posts : 1
Location : Nottingham
Registration date : 2024-01-20

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Please help to identify my vase with Kingfishers, numbered B122 Empty Re: Please help to identify my vase with Kingfishers, numbered B122

Post by NaomiM January 23rd 2024, 6:43 pm

It's really nice but I'm afraid I don't know. One of the late 19thC Torquay potteries? Barbotine ware?

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