Mystery I mark, Somerton Mug, Muchelney or Ivor Bingham?

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Mystery I mark, Somerton Mug, Muchelney or Ivor Bingham? Empty Mystery I mark, Somerton Mug, Muchelney or Ivor Bingham?

Post by NaomiM January 20th 2024, 8:30 pm

Another pot with the same mark was attributed to Ivor Bingham, Somerset, who worked with Bryan Newman for a time, but I haven't found any info online about him

Mystery I mark, Somerton Mug, Muchelney or Ivor Bingham? Img_0645

Mystery I mark, Somerton Mug, Muchelney or Ivor Bingham? Img_0644

Mystery I mark, Somerton Mug, Muchelney or Ivor Bingham? Img_0643

Mystery I mark, Somerton Mug, Muchelney or Ivor Bingham? Img_0738 Mystery I mark, Somerton Mug, Muchelney or Ivor Bingham? Img_0737 Mystery I mark, Somerton Mug, Muchelney or Ivor Bingham? Img_0739

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