Large sculpture like items, one marked CP at the bottom

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Large sculpture like items, one marked CP at the bottom Empty Large sculpture like items, one marked CP at the bottom

Post by Dodoni Sat Jan 20, 2024 4:27 pm


I am new here to the forum. I have a background in vintage design furniture but I have small collection of ceramics as well.
Recently I bought these sculpture like items. They are most likely by the same maker and rather large.
The item with the head seems to be inspired by Pre Columbia Peru vessels. That one is marked CP at the bottom.
I like them a lot, but can't find any information on them. The cp could be for Cooper Pottery. But can't find anything similar.

Hope someone can point me in the right direction.

Large sculpture like items, one marked CP at the bottom Grootb10
Large sculpture like items, one marked CP at the bottom Closeu11
Large sculpture like items, one marked CP at the bottom Closeu10
Large sculpture like items, one marked CP at the bottom Beeldb10

Large sculpture like items, one marked CP at the bottom Toteml10
Large sculpture like items, one marked CP at the bottom Toteml11

Number of posts : 3
Location : Netherlands
Registration date : 2024-01-20

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