Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by Nonk January 3rd 2024, 5:32 pm

Hi. I would like to wish everyone a happy New year.
Have just acquired a new vase and would love to be able to identify the maker. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Screen14
Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Screen15

Number of posts : 8
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Registration date : 2024-01-03

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by NaomiM January 3rd 2024, 6:57 pm

It looks familiar but i dont think it’s British. Might be Scandinavian or Swiss.

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by Nonk January 3rd 2024, 7:33 pm

Hi. Thank you so much for the reply. Can't figure out the first letter....Suade? Guade? Juade? Is it an ol instead of d?..It was bought in Denmark in the 70s....I had stated Sweden by mistake.. intriguing!!

Number of posts : 8
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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by NaomiM January 4th 2024, 1:19 pm

Lots of possible spellings, but helps to add something to the title so it can be found again if another one turns up

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by Nonk January 4th 2024, 1:21 pm

Hi. Seems like a good Idea. What would you suggest? New to this forum stuff

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by NaomiM January 4th 2024, 3:10 pm

I've added Suade and Juade, but you can add anything so long as it fits the space

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32474
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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by denbydump January 4th 2024, 3:53 pm


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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by Nonk January 4th 2024, 9:05 pm

Sorry for the late reply. Appreciate the efforts.
Cannot find any reference to Junole but hadn't considered that one. It has certainly been done with some skill I feel. I love the earthy tones and mountainous form

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by hercules brabazon January 5th 2024, 12:12 pm

Sunde perhaps? No help in identifying the potter but at least has the advantage of being a Scandinavian name.
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by Nonk January 5th 2024, 12:15 pm

Aaaahhh.....good potential spot there. Will investigate later.

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by Nonk January 5th 2024, 1:58 pm

Sunde it is then.....
Thank you so much....

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by Nonk January 5th 2024, 2:00 pm

Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Screen19Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Screen19

Number of posts : 8
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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

Post by Nonk January 5th 2024, 2:03 pm

Assumed the 61 underneath was 1961 but that last one is numbered 120.....
Definitely Sunde as that 'S' is so distinctive.

Number of posts : 8
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Registration date : 2024-01-03

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Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark  Empty Re: Lava glaze identification, signed Suade? Juade? - Sunde, Denmark

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