Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?

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Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?  Empty Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?

Post by benwilliams December 27th 2023, 6:49 pm

Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?
Not so much pierced as cut out hole, or double opening vase.
Base mark is moulded, indented. Possibly 33 or mm with other letters.
Nearest I can come to pattern is Zell Schmider pieces. Some here on forum.
? Normally I’ve had them with a foreign mark too and can’t find this shape out there.
Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?  Img_4511
Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?  Img_4512
Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?  Img_4510

Number of posts : 2432
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?  Empty Re: Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?

Post by benwilliams December 27th 2023, 6:50 pm

Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?  Img_4513
Mid century striped pierced vase, Zell Schmider?  Img_1110

Number of posts : 2432
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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