TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

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TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  Empty TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

Post by Indre December 20th 2023, 1:05 pm

TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  16747511
TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  20231211

Hello, I got as far as Pauline Toynbee, but not 100% sure if that's really her.

Any ideas much appreciated.

Thank you!

Female Number of posts : 5
Location : Lithuania
Registration date : 2023-12-19

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TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  Empty Re: TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

Post by NaomiM December 20th 2023, 1:26 pm

I'm not finding a match for any British potters. Did you find it in the UK?

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TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  Empty Re: TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

Post by Indre December 20th 2023, 3:13 pm

Hi Naomi, thank you. I found it in Poland :-)

Female Number of posts : 5
Location : Lithuania
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TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  Empty Re: TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

Post by NaomiM December 20th 2023, 9:29 pm

It might be Scandinavian

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32177
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TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  Empty Re: TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

Post by Indre December 21st 2023, 7:26 am

Thank you :-)

Female Number of posts : 5
Location : Lithuania
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TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  Empty Re: TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

Post by Indre December 21st 2023, 1:46 pm

Dear Naomi, would you know where I could go to for advice re Scandinavian pottery please?

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TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  Empty Re: TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

Post by NaomiM December 21st 2023, 8:42 pm

I’m afraid I don’t know. Most of are members are based in the UK. There are a few European members who visit here a few times a year.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32177
Location : Hampshire
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TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  Empty Re: TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

Post by Indre December 22nd 2023, 9:25 am

OK, thank you.

Female Number of posts : 5
Location : Lithuania
Registration date : 2023-12-19

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TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?  Empty Re: TP mark on vase base - any ideas? Thanks! Scandinavian?

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