Copy of mid 18th C Staffordshire pew group musicians, signed

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Copy of mid 18th C Staffordshire pew group musicians, signed  Empty Copy of mid 18th C Staffordshire pew group musicians, signed

Post by benwilliams December 20th 2023, 9:48 am

Copy of mid 18th C Staffordshire pew group musicians, signed B or R maybe, 1986
Can’t see any copies like this online.
And I’m puzzled as to what it’s made of - something a bit like varnished Fimo. Not glazed clay. It actually bends slightly!
Copy of mid 18th C Staffordshire pew group musicians, signed  Img_0715
Copy of mid 18th C Staffordshire pew group musicians, signed  Img_0714
Copy of mid 18th C Staffordshire pew group musicians, signed  Img_0713

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Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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