Trying to identify seems similar to old Persian design - East European?
3 posters
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SeanFordyce- Number of posts : 24
Location : Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Registration date : 2021-07-23
Re: Trying to identify seems similar to old Persian design - East European?
Looks like Safi Pottery, Morocco, or at least from that area of the world. Made any time in the latter half of the 20thC to date
Carrot cake is just fake cake
SeanFordyce- Number of posts : 24
Location : Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Registration date : 2021-07-23
Re: Trying to identify seems similar to old Persian design - East European?
It looks pretty much like modern tourist ware,
philpot- Number of posts : 6735
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
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