bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?

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bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?  Empty bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?

Post by PhilosophiaSB November 19th 2023, 4:09 pm

Good evening to everyone! I've got this bowl - 16,5 width and 5,5 cm height and i was wondering if it was from.England - Aldermaston. I have to admit i didn' t find this signature among the ones i found on the forum so my expectations are low.
Thank you so much for help .bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?  Img_2131
bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?  Img_2132
bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?  Img_2133

Female Number of posts : 209
Age : 50
Location : Transylvania, Romania
Registration date : 2022-07-15

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bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?  Empty Re: bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?

Post by NaomiM November 19th 2023, 6:15 pm

No, not Aldermaston. Possibly an SPS monogram

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32666
Location : Hampshire
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bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?  Empty Re: bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?

Post by PhilosophiaSB November 19th 2023, 6:20 pm

thank you ! I wish you a good week ahead.

Female Number of posts : 209
Age : 50
Location : Transylvania, Romania
Registration date : 2022-07-15

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bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?  Empty Re: bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?

Post by philpot November 19th 2023, 7:11 pm

All Aldermaston pottery is earthenware which has a slightly reddish brown look. This is stoneware.

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bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?  Empty Re: bowl (not Aldermaston pottery) SPS mark?

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