1960s style tall footed bowl, studio earthenware, Briglin?

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1960s style tall footed bowl, studio earthenware, Briglin?  Empty 1960s style tall footed bowl, studio earthenware, Briglin?

Post by benwilliams November 17th 2023, 6:49 pm

1960s style tall footed bowl, studio earthenware, Briglin?
9” tall, quite well put thrown and decorated. It reminds me of Briglin biput I don’t think it is. Not sure why. No mark.
1960s style tall footed bowl, studio earthenware, Briglin?  Img_4323
1960s style tall footed bowl, studio earthenware, Briglin?  Img_4324
1960s style tall footed bowl, studio earthenware, Briglin?  Img_4322

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Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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