A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark

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A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark Empty A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark

Post by Maximus November 11th 2023, 2:07 pm

The dish is 29cm across.

The glaze work is intricate and faultless.

The potter's mark is an incised cross.

Any help warmly thanked!

A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark Image_19
A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark Image_18

Number of posts : 6
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2022-09-01

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A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark Empty Re: A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark

Post by NaomiM November 11th 2023, 2:42 pm

Nice piece but I'm not finding the mark in the Marks book. Possibly French or Scottish or even Poole?

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A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark Empty Re: A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark

Post by Maximus November 11th 2023, 2:45 pm

Thank you.

If you are right, then I hope someone with a Scottish or French bent can help.

Number of posts : 6
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2022-09-01

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A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark Empty Re: A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark

Post by dantheman November 12th 2023, 12:16 am

Poole produced that image on a plate but the mark is not connected to Poole Pottery

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A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark Empty Re: A Dish with a Beardsley Design and an incised Cross Mark

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