Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle

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Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle  Empty Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle

Post by beckypk79 November 6th 2023, 8:36 pm

New to this and wondered if anyone could help, I have a studio pottery vase marked with a capital N in a circle. Struggling to identify the maker! Could anyone help?
Thank you in advance!

Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle  Nmark311
Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle  Nmark610

Number of posts : 4
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2023-10-07

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Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle  Empty Re: Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle

Post by NaomiM November 7th 2023, 1:19 pm

Your pot looks 1970s era. Possibly by Alan Newark, Humble Spud Pottery, but I'm not seeing the same A in your stamp. Not much about him online. He was based in Little Downham, near Ely, Cambridgeshire, 1970s-80s, potting with Kevin Barrett.

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Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle  Empty Re: Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle

Post by beckypk79 November 9th 2023, 7:02 pm

I was thinking that too, it’s identical but like you said I can’t make out the A over the top. It does look similar to his work though but like you said not much about him online! Thanks so much for your reply, really appreciate it!

Number of posts : 4
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2023-10-07

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Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle  Empty Re: Studio Pottery, N mark in a circle

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