DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by slopingsteve March 23rd 2014, 4:51 pm

Edited: Another example of the mark:

Does anyone know what this second mark is? I know what it looks like and I would love to think that the two were meant to be together, as in fact they are. I was reading something on here about fakes made in Chinese prisons.

DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Sam_2112

DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Sam_2111

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty not David Leach or Peter Lane or David Lawson or Dawn Lech

Post by NaomiM March 23rd 2014, 5:17 pm

Looks like DL. David Leach?? - Edited: very unlikely to be by David Leach. Not a mark ever attributed to him.

Not Dawn Lech's mark

The mark has also been found on a Wenford Bridge pot. Not David Lawson or Peter Lane - they said they've never worked at Wenford Bridge Pottery

Paul Lajoire?

Last edited by NaomiM on September 9th 2024, 4:50 pm; edited 4 times in total

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by slopingsteve March 23rd 2014, 6:36 pm

DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Sam_2113

This is the pot. It looks pretty much like a Standard ware large tureen to me.
The inside green glaze is very familiar. But why and when would David Leach have put his mark on it?

DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Sam_2114

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by NaomiM March 23rd 2014, 6:52 pm

big ed wrote:DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Shepto18

Yes, Standard Ware, very like Big Ed's one, above.
I guess he marked it simply because he made it.

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by big ed March 23rd 2014, 6:58 pm

Yes exactly, I think it was David that was instrumental in starting this type of ware .
big ed
big ed

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by NaomiM March 23rd 2014, 8:04 pm

Heres a partial list of potters and pupils, but I don't see another DL or LD.


Last edited by NaomiM on August 2nd 2023, 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by NaomiM March 23rd 2014, 11:05 pm

Well there are catalogue pages showing this 'stew pot' in the 40s and 50s. If it's David Leach's mark then presumably it was made while he was there in the 30-50s.

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by big ed March 24th 2014, 3:20 pm

I read he was instrumental in introducing the standard ware when he came back in 1938 when he made a few changes at the pottery , I can see no reason at all to doubt it is his mark , maybe it's an earlier piece ,who knows , but for me it's ok Ld , St ives , noone else fits the bill  Shrugs 
big ed
big ed

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by studio-pots March 26th 2014, 1:50 pm

I don't know if it is a mark used by David Leach or not but the spoon hole on your piece is something that I don't think I have seen on Standard Ware tureens.

Ed is correct about David developing the Standard Ware and it could be a prototype but I am only guessing.

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by big ed March 26th 2014, 2:05 pm


some tureens /stew pots with spoon holes , various sizes
big ed
big ed

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Leach pottery standard ware mystery DL mark - David Leach?

Post by studio-pots March 26th 2014, 4:05 pm

Thanks Ed - I suppose I don't take much notice of casseroles and their orifices!

However, it is interesting that Mike in the link says that he has used the 1946 and 1952 catalogues and the holes are not shown in a later catalogue that I have, so they seem to have been phased out at some point perhaps in the 1960s.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Peter Lane or David Leach?

Post by slopingsteve January 21st 2018, 8:13 pm

This is still the only piece of St Ives Leach Pottery that I have come across that might be by David Leach and that is possibly marked by him. Without any others for comparison it is difficult to be sure. The seller told me that he had bought it from David himself a long time ago so it may be right.

DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Sam_8412
DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Sam_8413
DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Sam_8414
DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Sam_8415
DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Sam_8416


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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by NaomiM January 21st 2018, 8:30 pm

It's Leach St Ives standard ware which everyone at the pottery was expected to make, so it's unusual to find one with a monogram. Could be David's but not one of his recorded marks

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - prob Peter Lane

Post by studio-pots January 21st 2018, 8:34 pm

Although Bernard might have discussed with David what he wanted from the Standard Ware range at the Leach Pottery, it was really David who refined it and came up the prototypes. This lidded bowl looks like a piece of Standard Ware and it would not have been the type of thing that individual potters would have marked at the pottery and so, for me, the story is plausible. I haven't seen that personal seal before so you are correct that it isn't really possible to give a definitive answer without more evidence.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by NaomiM October 30th 2023, 4:13 pm

Edited: Via another group, in reference to the same stamp on a Wenford Bridge Pottery pot: "Peter Lane says he never worked at Wenford Bridge though admitted the mark looked like his early stamp"

The mark might be Peter Lane's monogram, but he's not listed as potting at St Ives in BSPM marks book
Here's one with his mark, signed, and dated 1961.  But not quite the right font so still a mystery

DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Peter_28

Last edited by NaomiM on September 9th 2024, 4:59 pm; edited 3 times in total

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by studio-pots October 30th 2023, 10:58 pm

There is also never been any suggestion in any of the books or research that Peter Lane had been to the Leach Pottery. Lane studied at the Bath Academy of Art in Corsham and then afterwards teaching was his main occupation until her retired from that profession in 1987 after 30 years. During the teaching period he did make and develop his pottery but, if he had worked at the Leach Pottery I can't see how that wouldn't have been documented.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

Post by Pugmill October 31st 2023, 8:33 am

Similar mark on this wenford bridge piece a couple of months ago.


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DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach  Empty Re: DL mark Leach St Ives Pottery - Not Peter Lane or David Leach

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