Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles

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Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles Empty Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles

Post by Johope September 28th 2023, 8:32 am

Please can I have help in identifying my terracotta vase to handles. Birds.stripes and swirls design. Oher colors used red, yellow, green, blue. Inside the bus is painted red.  Height 12in

Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles Mexica10

Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles Pxl_2074

Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles Pxl_2075
Thanks in advance

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Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles Empty Re: Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles

Post by hercules brabazon September 28th 2023, 11:23 am

Closest I can find online are being offered on sale as by Lorenzo Loi. However the treatment of the base seems rather different, and the Lorenzo Loi on facebook, a potter from Sardinia, doesn't seem that likely a candidate.
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles Empty Re: Terracotta colored vase with birds and two handles

Post by NaomiM September 28th 2023, 2:16 pm

Mexican or South American maybe

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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