Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark

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Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark Empty Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark

Post by Bernado Duckworthy September 11th 2023, 12:53 am

I don't quite understand this piece. I like the shape, the exterior Glaze and can appreciate the build quality, but it doesn't quite hang together. The brown glaze in the bowl seems a bit unnecessary..?

Any opinions obviously welcome and If anyone knows the maker even better.
Thank you....

Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark Img_2200
Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark Img_2198
Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark Img_2199

Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark Img_2203
Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark Img_2201
Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark Img_2202
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

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Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark Empty Re: Pedestal Conical Bowl Painted 'IR'? Mark

Post by NaomiM September 11th 2023, 1:53 am

Looks like a kanji mark. Possibly a ~70s Japanese ikebana vase

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