Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek

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Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek  Empty Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek

Post by potterymad62 September 9th 2023, 2:17 pm

Stoneware Pottery flask, Carstens Tonnieshof Germany maybe? Marks on the base with letters & numbers but hard to read.

Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek  Pxl_2447
Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek  Pxl_2448
Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek  Pxl_2449
Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek  Pxl_2450

Male Number of posts : 880
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek  Empty Re: Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek

Post by Pugmill September 9th 2023, 6:41 pm

I can see a possible O and R at three and five O'clock and is that an X at eleven O'clock. Can you make out any other letters?

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Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek  Empty Re: Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek

Post by potterymad62 September 9th 2023, 6:54 pm

Pugmill wrote:I can see a possible O and R at three and five O'clock and is that an X at eleven O'clock. Can you make out any other letters?
Not really, I'm going to try and bring up the marks more clearly with pencil shading or something. I can just make out the O R and possibly S9/19 in the centre running left to right from sides of the vase. Such a small area the marks are kind of squashed together, will get back if I can make the marks any clearer. Thanks Pugmill for the input.

Male Number of posts : 880
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek  Empty Re: Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek

Post by NaomiM September 9th 2023, 7:10 pm

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek  Empty Re: Pottery Flask, Carstens Tonnieshof? - Greece / Greek

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