Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe.

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Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe. Empty Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe.

Post by HelenC September 1st 2023, 10:59 am

I picked up this HUGE bowl (32cm diameter, 14cm high) thinking the glaze and decoration looked distinctly Winchcombe, but it is unmarked and the glaze body doesn’t look right. Any thoughts? It’s beautifully made.

Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe. Img_6116
Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe. Img_6114
Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe. Img_6115

Number of posts : 280
Location : Warwickshire
Registration date : 2021-01-29

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Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe. Empty Re: Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe.

Post by Pugmill September 1st 2023, 2:09 pm

It looks like winchcombe to me. Often only glazed halfway down bowl. Here is one of similar dimensions 14x30cm,a-large-winchcombe-pottery-stoneware-bowl_82218.htm

Number of posts : 299
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Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe. Empty Re: Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe.

Post by HelenC September 1st 2023, 2:28 pm

Thank you - you’re right, the shape and decorating style match exactly. I’ll go with unmarked but most likely Winchcombe then.

Number of posts : 280
Location : Warwickshire
Registration date : 2021-01-29

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Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe. Empty Re: Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe.

Post by philpot September 1st 2023, 3:11 pm

Nice bowl. Real pity it is not marked. Winchcombe unmarked is about right. Although there were a lot of potters who went through Winchcombe who potted in the Winchcombe. It was a very successful style!

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Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe. Empty Re: Huge bowl - probably Winchcombe.

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