Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss

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Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss Empty Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss

Post by Vix August 28th 2023, 2:07 pm

Thanks in advance to any of you who recognise, or are able to decipher, the initials or name on this lovely brown jug. Not old really but a lovely design and it's bothering me that I can't figure it out! I wondered if it was Polish or Czech. Happy bank holiday! VixIndecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss Img-1712
Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss Img-1713

Number of posts : 26
Location : Cambridge, UK
Registration date : 2020-12-20

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Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss Empty Re: Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 28th 2023, 5:31 pm

Looks like oriental symbols vertically aswell lol.

Quite amazing accuracy on that slip decoration.
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

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Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss Empty Re: Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss

Post by Vix August 28th 2023, 6:03 pm

I hadn't even considered that! I'd got hooked on it being a B! Laughter

Number of posts : 26
Location : Cambridge, UK
Registration date : 2020-12-20

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Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss Empty Re: Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss

Post by NaomiM August 28th 2023, 6:22 pm

One of the Swiss, Thoune, potteries, I think

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss Empty Re: Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss

Post by Vix August 28th 2023, 7:13 pm

I think you are right, Naomi. The more recent stuff definitely looks similar, especially heimberg/steffisburg colouring and patterns. Thanks.

Number of posts : 26
Location : Cambridge, UK
Registration date : 2020-12-20

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Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss Empty Re: Indecipherable signature or initials on a brown jug- Thoune slipware, Swiss

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